Welcome to Southern Kents

A site dedicated to preserving the family history of the Kents.


About 1999, several Kent family researchers found themselves unable to research their Kent families farther back in the South than about 1750. Many records in the South do not have a central repository, and the records that do exist are sparse and scattered due to weather, fires, and many wars. A group of 10 dedicated Kent researchers pooled resources, and scoured the South for any records of Kent family records between 1600 and 1800.

What became apparent from their research is that there are several Southern Kent families. Subsequent DNA (ongoing) research showed that while many of the families share the “Kent” surname, their DNA paths are quite different. Over the years, the amount of the data collected on these Kent families has become unmanageable due to the limits of spreadsheets, and Word documents. Thousands of e-mails exist with data in them, and there are approximately 2000 pages of data stored from the original Topica website shared by the original 10 researchers. This new SouthernKents website is designed to allow all the years 1600 – 1800 data to be stored in a centralized, and searchable location accessible to all Kent surname researchers (within reasonable security limits).

The DNA research of the Kent surname families grew too. That DNA research is currently at:

This new website is in Beta testing. It will be a member only site once data is loaded. This allows us to preserve the integrity of the records. Primary data will be listed along with its source. Once active, to gain “read-only” access please contact the administrator. Please give us details on the purpose of your search. Please include the names you are searching, places, dates etc., and your relationship to the Kent surname.

Thank You – Steve Kent